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5 Simple Tips To Convert Website Visitors To Paying Customers

Simple Ways To Get People Onboarded And Happy

Are your clicks at an all-time low? So many visitors, yet they bounce within 7 seconds? I mean, your product or service is wonderful, right? Why aren’t people converting!

It’s all down to the art of conversion. Conversion has deep roots within human psychology, and we could talk for hours and hours about it. But assuming that you’re targeting the appropriate audience, and there’s a genuine need for what you’re offering, let’s cover the basics instead.

Pursuing a better conversion rate for your website is something everybody should be doing. How else can your product or service be purchased? Let’s help you out, by giving you 5 tips to get those customers converting. 

Tip #1 – Remove The Mess

Remove the Mess from your website

A lot of these tips will center around attention spans. As minimal as they are these days, people only pay attention to what they want, and if they can’t see what they want, they’re going to increase your bounce rate. 

If your website has the goal of converting, then that should be its only goal. Remove the distractions, unneeded images, unnecessary text. Instead, guide your customer to where you want them to be, by feeding their attention. 

Essentially, clean up your UI. Less is more, and always has been. 

Tip# 2 – Make Sign-Ups As Easy As Possible

Make Sign-Ups As Easy As Possible

There’s nothing worse than having to jump through a multitude of barriers and hoops, just to get yourself signed up to something. You’ve felt the pain in the past, we all have. It’s that exact pain point that requires some finesse. 

Eliminate as many steps in the process as possible. If it’s account creation, only have them fill out the bare minimum. If it’s a checkout, make it so the purchase is complete in less than 3 clicks from adding their product to cart. 

Every sign-up process can be optimized. Remember, if it’s painful for you, it’s painful for them.

Tip #3 – Optimize Your CTAs

Optimize Your CTAs

Call To Actions are an art form in themselves. How exactly do you catch a persons' attention, and then make them do something? Two simple answers to this question.

Make it stand out. It shouldn’t be too egregious, but it should instantly draw the eyes of the reader to the copy, or image. 

As for the second, make the copy direct, and tailored towards your specific audience. Sure, it’s possible to sell ice to Eskimos, but you’ll have more success selling warm clothes, or fishing equipment. 

Tip #4 – Add Reviews

Add Reviews

How do you make someone convert? Show them others that converted. Nobody likes being the first!

Reviews have a blanket effect for your brand. Good reviews show that your product, or services, are precisely what they wanted, and solved their problems. Your current visitors want their problems solved. So show them you’re in the business of it. 

If you have numerous bad reviews, it might be the best to skip this one, and focus on bettering your product. A well-worded bad review has ten times the effect as a well-worded good review. Don’t cherry-pick the good ones, either. Your visitors will find out. 

Tip #5 – Add A Chat AI

Add A Chat AI

A recent addition to the UX (Customer Experience) scene, are chatbots. Aimed to improve the user experience (which means more conversions), they automatically answer the most commonly asked questions that a customer may have. 

This translates to automatic pain point eradication. They don’t have to click numerous amounts of links to see if your product has a certain feature. No crawling your website to find what features are included. It’s immediate, and if optimized, can be a powerful tool.

It’s essentially a replacement for a customer service web chat. Occasionally, the bot won't have the answers, and you’ll have to step in. But if you keep adding answers to these questions, your users will convert faster. 


There are so many ways to increase your conversions that it borders along silly. However, if this is the first time you’ve researched about improving conversions, and this is the first article you see, these 5 tips should cover the basics. 

The fundamentals are clear. Make the website easy to navigate, eliminate distractions, use a good graphics designer, and hire yourself a good copywriter. If you can’t, the bare minimum of these tips should still help you. 

Always be working towards increasing those conversions. It’s a move you’ll never regret. 

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